Enterprise Fleet Management

554 Pembina Hwy [view map]
Winnipeg, MB  R3M 2M4
Phone: 306-513-8536
E-mail: nick.d.hamilton@efleets.com

Met with Ramona and said that we would be a good fit potentially for networking with others. We are currently in partnership with SCMI and what we do is work with any organization that relies on a fleet of light duty-medium duty vehicles (20+) or have more than 20 employees on a KM reimbursement program. We help target to lower costs in these areas by numerous programs but always taking into account business objectives. In the end we don't want to be seen as vendors but partners that will help impact business objectives.

Company Directory

Contacts Role Phone E-mail
Nick Hamilton Account Executive 306-513-8536 nick.d.hamilton@efleets.com



Unite Interactive